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2020 PGA Show with Aimee 골프 박람회 | 명품스윙 에이미 조

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This year’s PGA Show was this past week. The Demo day where you can try all the new clubs, was on 1/21/20 Tuesday! It was so windy and cold!!! But I got to hit all the new clubs and I had a blast. I tied the convention center day here as well. I hope you enjoy the video, let me know if you have any questions about the products I tried.
올해 골프 박람회는 굉장히 추웠습니다;; 그래서인지 데모데이는 한가했네요. 데모 데이에선 새로 나온 각종 브랜드의 골프 클럽을 시타 해볼수있고요, 자잘한 악세서리 구경도 많이 할수있어요~ 이 영상에 컨벤션 센터 부분도 함께 넣었습니다. 오늘 영상중에 혹시 궁금하신 부분있으면 알려주세요!

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♥️구독, 좋아요 그리고 댓글은 사랑입니다!♥️

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